Summer is over.

I know it’s a hard to accept, but unfortunately it’s true.

On the bright side, it’s time to pull out your cozy sweaters, fun scarves and fall boots. Whenever the seasons change and I put away my summer clothes and pull out my cooler weather wear, it feels like Christmas morning. All those fun clothes I forgot I had!

But sometimes I can’t help but want more. The latest trends worn by my favourite celebs or the stylish girl at school call to me as I walk through the mall. And suddenly all those clothes that were hidden in the back of my closet look out-dated and boring.

The truth is, you are so much more than your clothes.

There is so much pressure on us as girls to look and dress a certain way and it can start to feel like we are only as cool as our clothes. Like maybe people won’t like us as much, or think we are as interesting if we don’t have the latest and greatest fashion.

This is a lie!

The truth is our value has nothing to do with what we wear, and everything to do with who God says we are.


He says we are beautiful.

He says we are wonderfully made.

He says we are worth it.

What makes us more beautiful than the perfectly put-together outfit, is the way we treat others. The most attractive quality we can posess is to be more focused on loving others than worrying about ourselves. When we do this, not only are we obeying Gods’ word, but we are also shining the light of Jesus. Have you ever seen a light shining on a summer night, and noticed how that light attracts every little insect? This is what will happen to you too.

When you stop worrying about yourself and how you look, and start focusing on shining Gods’ light to others, you will naturally attract people to yourself.

So this fall, instead of worrying about fashion and the latest trends, why not focus on sharing Gods’ love and light with those around you. I can gaurantee this kind of love is more attractive than the cutest outfit you could ever buy at the mall.

Heather BoersmaCreative Media Contributor